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TFT Set 3: Patch 10.16 Ready Items & Builds Cheat Sheet

TFT Set 3: Patch 10.16 Ready Items & Builds Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheets

From nine basic items, Teamfight Tactics allows you to get 45 different combined items. Wondering how you can possibly remember all of them? We got you covered with our Galaxies items cheat sheet!

TFT Set 3: Patch 10.16 Ready Items & Builds Cheat Sheet

With Galaxies, Teamfight Tactics is undergoing massive changes: new champions, new origins, new classes, and even new items!

Say goodbye to the Hush, the Iceborne Gauntlet and the Titanic Hydra, because they've all been replaced! Instead, you'll be able to play with the Chalice of Favor, the Shroud of Stillness, and the Zz'Rot Portal.

The Convergence is also welcoming seven new Spatula items:

  • Celestial Orb → Celestial
  • Dark Star's Heart → Dark Star
  • Demolitionist's Charge → Demolitionist
  • Infiltrator's Talons → Infiltrator
  • Protector's Chestguard → Protector
  • Rebel Medal → Rebel
  • Star Guardian's Charm → Star Guardian

To make sure you won't get lost with all these new items, we crafted an item table as well as a complete cheat sheet — so keep scrolling!

Our Cheat Sheet

  • You can find a bigger picture allowing you to zoom-in HERE.
Teamfight Tactics
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo